
The Campus & Community Coalition

The CCC is a catalyst for community collaboration on issues related to harms from alcohol. 

We are expansive in our thinking, recognizing that our work is bigger than alcohol, touching issues like sexual assault and mental health; racial equity and social justice; neighborhood wellbeing and quality of life; downtown prosperity and economic development. 

We believe that everyone is a part of the solution and invite all to the table to be a part of changing the culture of alcohol use in university towns. 

It doesn’t have to be this way—we can shift the culture to create environments where everyone can flourish. 


We envision a community–University, Downtown district, and neighborhoods–that can thrive socially and economically while promoting health and wellbeing for all.


To promote a place where all people thrive, the CCC works in partnership across the community to reduce the harms associated with high-risk drinking.


Shared Power: We listen to those most impacted by the problem, make decisions by consensus, and invite everyone to the table to be a part of jointly designed solutions.

Data-driven: We’re not making this stuff up—our strategies have been proven effective and our decisions are made based on local data.

Collaboration: Changing a culture means that we cannot do this work alone. We prioritize partnerships in action.